A new place. A new home. A whole new set of people. A very (mostly) different culture. Life is never easy and definitely not the same in a new city. Nobody likes changes, small or big. And surely not me. Though this hasn’t been the first time I’m moving to a new city, my relocation to Mumbai somehow felt like a real big deal.

The start …

Visiting Mumbai for a vacation was something I’ve always loved thanks to the amazing street food and the wonderful shopping experiences. But somehow the idea of living in Mumbai all by myself scared the life out of me.

Moving to Mumbai has been one of my most impulsive life decisions I’ve taken so far. It probably tops all of them, including the time I got my tattoo without thinking (which again was in Mumbai).

It’s been difficult leaving my family behind. Staying away from my little niece, who won’t be so little when I go back home the next time considering how quick kids grow up. My worst fear is what if she forgets me or how much she loves me. Thankfully technology came in handy here. So although I’ll miss being around her, I won’t really miss out on being with her. On the brighter side, I get to be the cool aunt who gets her lots of fancy stuff from ‘Bombay’ as she likes to call it, earning myself some brownie points.

Salute LaFamilia

It’s never really easy living alone especially when you are used to having people around do all the work for you while you just laze around watching TV or in my case SLEEP ALL THE TIME. Life has taken such a cruel turn for me. Not only do I have to do all my work myself, I’d consider myself super lucky if I manage to get a good 6 hour sleep in the night. Like the saying- Mumbai city never sleeps, my life also has become sleepless!

The Class

It’s been exactly a month today since I’ve moved from Bangalore to Mumbai. A month full of changes. New friends. A room mate who has been more like family than just another girl sharing the room with me. New profession. Deadly deadlines and piles of assignments which make the 24hours in a day also seem too less to finish them.



But life’s been good. Let’s see what Life or rather Mumbai has in store for me!

Excited and scared.

7 thoughts on “New Girl in the city

  1. Sumi, wishing you all the very best…You need to get lost completely to be able to re-discover yourself. Life, as you knew it, has changed and I guess new city, new environment and new work (which you must have been doin in the first place) can be a little overwhelming at times, stay put and never EVER give up on yourself! You go girl!!!


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